Wednesday 21 November 2018

Gingerbread Clown House + Road Trip

Christmas theme this year is CIRCUS WORLD! Decided on doing a X-mas gingerbread clown house & I made Bozo the Clown out of felt n he now lives there.  I love how the super sour gum balls remind me of those big balloons that you can sit on & bounce around.  Monday had a blast in Burlington & I had a rainforest latte in Ikea..disappointed that you can't get most of the foods that you could before like those green marzipan choccie rolls.  Super groovy fun at the candy place inside Fortino's! 2 fav. things I purchased in Ikea..harlequin print pot for only 79 cents & a life-like corkscrew rush plant which is found in ponds.  It's north pole cold today & I got stuck at the bus stop for like 45 minutes! Ugh! I was late for class.