I saw this amazing Jim Morrison Venice Beach 1966 necklace on etsy.com and I'm going to try to re-create it myself using pony beads and making it simpler by beading through those stretchy cords you can get at the dollar tree.
You can do a test to find out which Dosha are you..i am definitely a Pitta! Here is the link to the test..naturesformulary.com
And whichever you are, you can make food that helps you..i had no idea what Pitta Dosha was until this groovy girl put a recipe for it on her youtube and you can see what it looks like..here's the link to that..Kitcheri recipe
I made this on Sunday and there's enough to last a whole week and its soo delicious!!!! especially the taste of fennel seeds..mmm! Even my mom is hooked on it. It really makes my stomach feel better because I have upset stomach issues a lot so this really helps.
These are the three energies..Pitta is fire + water.
This is an elephant drawing i did, i heart elephants and i love to draw them a lot!
I went thrifting over the weekend and i got mostly stuff for my b-day and a groovy thumb ring which has triangles around it and when the light hits it, it makes a kaleidoscope-like effect, a silver daisy ring with attached baby daisy, and a white porcelain elephant with its trunk raised and it has gold tusks, so pretty! Valentine's Day was good, didn't go out coz of the cold and snowy weather so i made my usually Ole Mole Mexican chocolate chicken with rice and it was so yummy!! This is what i always cook on Valentine's. I got a pretty unicorn necklace from a friend, Laura Secord mint chocolate bars, and from my mom, an Elizabeth Arden Green Tea perfume set. This is my fav. perfume scent ever!! We watched "Chocolat", such a cute film! I don't know what else to say other then its still frigidly cold here, thankfully i don't have to freeze at the bus stop to get to school, i get a drive there from my friend Maria, she is the bestest friend!! Classes are boring me lately, i don't have much motivation for anything, ummm..i just want it to be spring already! Hope you all are doing groovy!
via: nostalgic-60s, the60sbazaar