Thursday, 2 January 2025

year of the snake..

I'm not a fan of resolutions because I never keep them, but I really want to try to stress less, meditate & do yoga more often, and try not to get upset over anything anymore!
I did 4 tarot card readings..
6 0f Air = don't rush into things you're not ready for, & don't get upset if your efforts don't succeed & allow yourself time to grow
Land:Tree:Earth = plant a seed & watch it grow - become the growth process
Wolf = strong sense of inner strength & intuition, need to cross barriers to take risks in order to learn & grow
Shaman = this is the time for deep healing - stress less

new year's photo dump..

1. clock cake 2. all dolled up 80s style 3. 80s geo earrings 4. started day off with Starbucks matcha latte 5. rollerskating to Xanadu soundtrack - All Over the World - ELO 6. cheese platter 7. potato egg dill salad served with pumpernickel & peppercorn pate 8. New Year's Day ham & pineapple & sweet potato & white potato mash up 9. Marley tired from partying too much!