Snow is taking a long time to melt but I'm starting to see spring popping up a little..and I want to talk about sustainability now that things are going to get bad..I recommend shopping local at the grocers..I love the salad I got which comes from a farm in Guelph Ontario..the price is great & the quality is amazing!!!!!! Also got other things proudly Canadian made..can't wait for the outdoor markets! And in order to eat healthier, we have been avoiding products that are ultra-processed! products that have a long shelf-life like ice-cream, cookies, deli stuff, hot dogs etc..these are not good for you coz they have ingredients, if its too much & you never heard of most of them, its bad for you..also staying away from sugary stuff like carbonated drinks & switched to sparkling water up on ultra-processed foods..its shocking how much it lowers life expectancy etc..