Tea India Cardamom latte, okay this isn't as good as the Indian Moments one I used to get and they no longer sell them at the grocers, but its good, it tastes more like black tea then cardamom, which I miss in the other tea..and I have to add milk while in the other one, there was milk powder in it and tasted creamier..the Taveners British Sweets Black Currant Liquorice candy is one of the best candies I ever had!!! It tastes like black currant at first and then near the end it becomes liquorice taste..soo good!! And Soan Papdi Cardamom Indian Sweets..OMG!!! these are soft with pistachio and tastes like a nutty cotton candy in your mouth..the best of the bunch!!
I love my 70s outfit of the day..circular artsy tree..Marley in a funny position on stairs..