Saturday, 8 March 2025

happy women's day!

"Never forget that you are strong, and powerful, and brave, and talented, and beautiful, and loved" pic source: pinterest

little hippie things..

1. Billabong t-shirt (this is more of a chartreuse color) - Winners 2. coconut body butter (smells like walking out of a cabana) - Winners 3. Maple Clothing (made in India - 80% silk) wraparound skirt from Goodwill 4. Daisy wall hook - thrifted (originally from Michaels 
5. Hawaiian punch flower necklace (thrifted)

bagel pizza cafe..

Healthy alternative to frozen pizza! I spread pizza sauce around bagel, then added mozerella cheese, onions & popped it into the oven for about 8 minutes, until cheese melts & bagels are crispy, then topped it off with salad, salt n pepper..delicious!!!!! Other toppings I will add next time will be spinach, kale, many things you can add & so good for you!