I've decided on going back to the things I love the most..bohemian/hippie stuff..went thrifting last night & I found some grooviness..this cute flower ceramic photo frame, another doily coz you can't have enough, a book on Flowering House Plants circa 1971 (i will be using some of the images for two photo frames i have), a bohemian tea light holder, this incredible elephant print exotic top..there was no label anywhere so i have no idea where it comes from? possibly Indonesia, not sure, a 70s color scheme striped skirt called "tropical breeze" brand is Old Navy & it comes from the Philippines, started the new year with a health kick & been really liking kale chips, a Christmas present from a wonderful friend!! I heart these tube-like plants & i love that it came in a glass pot so that i can see the soil..love it!!
I don't buy anything Juicy Couture but I couldn't resist their new lipstick line!! I got excited when I saw that their lipsticks come with a gold dust shimmer. I got 02 Not Your Babe..its sort of like a Barbie pink color..really pretty!!