It's been okay weather..went hulahooping at a friend's place..i still can't hulahoop..I think you need a long waistline to do it properly!! My body is all wrong for it.:( Then I did a DIY project with a wooden storage box that I got thrifting a while ago..i waited for the right summer weather to do it outside..i think it turned out way groovy! I used Artist Loft acrylic paints (these are the best to use on wood), and then I sparkled it all over..including the sides, and in the back I drew mandala design with black marker, the actual box drawers (3 in total), was very difficult to paint..i had to go over at least 5 times with different colours until it worked! The material on the front of the drawers was a weird type of plastic and it was black making it really hard to go over! But it finally worked, not too sure if I like it or not..i did a mushroom, then moon with stars, then a sun. I'm liking the sun part a lot! I did go over with a gloss varnish finish. I discovered my love for Quinoa lately..made a lemon and chives quinoa with red bell peppers and tomatoes..yum!! You can eat this hot or cold. This quinoa craze started when I ate a power salad bowl at Williams which had avocados, chick peas, cucumbers, wild California mix salad, couscous and of course quinoa..the only thing I didn't like was that there was way too much almonds in it..i'm not a fan of almonds, I love cashews!