Tried to color-co-ordinate my clothings..i love having loads of different prints and patterns!

I put up my chakra tapestry at my work spot, i think it looks way groovy!! also put up my octopus painting i did a few months ago..and then i did this amazing project on my plain white drawer..i stuck postcards on it to make it funky, and i think it turned out great!! Thanks Hildy (Trading Spaces designer) for inspiring me to stick things on furniture..haha!

My new corkboard filled with 1960s/70s bands/musicians..my Timothy Leary postcard is my most fav.!!

close-up of hippie b-day card i got from my friend Maria and other corner of work room has my folk guitar..

Starting playing my ukulele again..i'm trying to learn Bob Dylan's Blowin' In the Wind on it. I heart my kaftan a lot!! Come on spring!!! where are you?? we are going to be hit by a major ice storm..OMG!! an ice storm in spring???? really?? is the weathernetwork making this up?? there might be a lot of power outages, that is why i'm updating my blog now, in case my computer is gonna stop working..i have an old computer so i don't know whats going to happen..scary!!

My fav. quote at the moment and the cute owl b-day card is from my friend Angela.