Outfits of the Week: all thrifted except for the sunnies (Out of the Past), and tie up sandals (Old Navy). All jewelry thrifted. Latest purchased plant is this cutie Moon Cactus. And my lizard (from Port Colborne Hippie Fest).
Wednesday, 29 May 2019
"She Can Dance A Cajun Rhythm.."
Outfits of the Week: all thrifted except for the sunnies (Out of the Past), and tie up sandals (Old Navy). All jewelry thrifted. Latest purchased plant is this cutie Moon Cactus. And my lizard (from Port Colborne Hippie Fest).
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
A Mountain of Platinum
Went to the Botanical Gardens yesterday with a friend and we came across this massive large structure..its called "Niagara Strait" by Gordon Reeve.
Been lovin' Jamie Oliver's sprouted grains & edamame wiith wheat berries & miso! Brown sugar crunch ice-cream, Guerlain Mon perfume with Indian jasmine, watching 1970s hippie films online when I have a break from work and classes..
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Boho Home Decor Haul
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
"I Can Make Myself Invisible Or Small.."
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Stevie Nicks Witchy Lookbook
When I found this perfect black lace hippie dress I really thought of Stevie Nicks! Also found the perfect black hippie hat with feather..i love wearing silver stars and glitter on my face..yeah i'm ready for Woodstock!! FAR-OUT!! Also found vintage tarot cards from Germany at the flea market! I love how it has the zodiac signs on the back..cards I pulled out: fortune, gift, and house..groovy! And my favourite card in the pack is constancy.
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
In A Field of Dandelions

Sat today in a field of dandelions with tulips in my hands thinking life is sometimes just taking the time to enjoy the beauty of nature that surrounds us! It's okay to do nothing and not feel guilty as if i'm wasting time. Sometimes we expect to do too much and it creates stress and anxiety and its not good for you! Take time to appreciate what is around you and be happy! Oh and I put on a video of one of my art pieces..groovy!
Thursday, 9 May 2019
Inside A Free Spirit Bubble
Outfit of the Day: Free Spirit t-shirt - Treasure Hunt, kaki cargo pants - thrifted, necklaces from Earth Shop (I can't believe this place is closing down!), bandana with beads - Forever21, birkenstocks - Ardene's, real stone anklet - The Shiny Company. Wow, its summer today!!!! But now its storming outside, made it home on time before the torrential rains. This fun Malaysia orangutan card was in the gummy candy I got at Starbies..need to get more to collect these cards..so groovy!!
Some work I did in my journal..
4 new stones I got over the weekend..i heart the OPALITE, this stone is full of energy and its great for meditation! The orange colored stone is called BANDED CARNELIAN and this stone bathes you in courage as you face personal challenges, and the white sandy stone next to the crystal is called PICTURE JASPER, this stone is excellent for creative vision, initiative, and boosts confidence! I also got a stone with a hand on it which im not sure yet what it stands for? okay I think it means mindful serenity!And I got the fern in a glass bottle at Pier1 on sale.
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