Friday, 30 August 2024

secret enchanted mushroom forest..

i love mushrooms!!! i came across these on my hike yesterday..πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

she sells sanctuary..

outfit of the day: lion king t-shirt (urban planet), skirt thrifted, 80s sunnies thrifted, hairclips (Denmark)..

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Friday, 23 August 2024

come thrifting with me..

first stop was **out of the past** fav. shop!!! this whole street has that underground california district feel..the shop was packed with awesome peeps, including vampire dudes in business suits..what i wore..i got so many compliments on my black sequin dress & "billie eilish green" shoes..
omg!!! a huge vincent price fridge magnet!! ahhhhh..i was soo excited to find this!! it was a bit pricey but hey its the king of horror himself!! also found bride of frankenstein hair clip..yess, i am so in the halloween mood already! and a vintage skirt..its more dark green than in the pic..loooove!!
landed at mahtay lounge for coffee & spinach black sesame phyllo swirls & goat cheese brioche..both were delicious!! next stop - value cool is this t-shirt?? unfortunately it was too small & have y'all noticed lately that most clothing is all wrinkly??
i found cool orangey-pink sunglasses, a cute tiger necklace, awesome moon phase t-shirt (shein), lavender chunky earrings, oh & the heart button was from out of the past (it was like a buck!)..i have no idea what the button means?? i just liked the colors of it..i hope it means "i love to thrift"..
this awesome irridescent vase, orangey-pink handheld mirror & yessss..omg! depeche mode the singles 81/85 cd!!!! can't wait to listen to this!
yay!! a cute bat halloween plush basket, the lavender skull candle is from out of the past (i won't burn this, i will use it for decor) & i can't believe i found the perfect goth shoes!!

Monday, 19 August 2024

zen garden..

discovered this place the other day..very peaceful and beautiful..

cute possum baby..

this pretty little thing had overturned the blue box & he or she was stuck under there all night, when i went out in the morning i flipped the box over & out came little possum..soo adorable!!!! i read online that if the possum is 7 inches long it will be okay on its own, this guy was 7 inches..possum was confused & scared so i talked to it to calm it down..possum seemed okay, then when it got dark, it went away..hopefully little possum is going to be safe & its doing fine! nature is filled with so many beautiful treasures! also read that if you see a possum, it means good cool!!

Saturday, 17 August 2024


i got this awesome zebra print carpet from dollerama..its non-slip & i'm lovin' animal prints lately..also got another basket on the right side from zellers for only $15.00!
and i found this awesome wallet thrifting the other day..i love the graffitti print & neon colors!!

Thursday, 15 August 2024

retro candy haul..

discovered a new candy shoppe yesterday with friends..the chupa chups gummies are like the ones i used to get at ikea..soo good!! also got my most fav. dunkin jelly donut chocolates..these are very super sweet tho but i still love them! hi-chew banana flavored..i haven't tried this one yet, orange cream lollipop and three squishables..

summer grooves - mirage..

i'd rather be floating in nature with wild hair, talking to the flowers and the trees, than be what other people want me to be..

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

homesense decor shop with me & haul..

there were so many art deco giant paintings all over the place & it made me feel like i was in the AGO!!!! soo awesome!!! also lots of amazing halloween stuff like this frankenstein head!
now for the haul part..i fell in love with this yin-yang pillow..its going to be perfect with my other black & white stuff in my bedroom..there were loads of sale items & i picked up this pack of cute coasters..i think these were on sale for $5.00!
omg! this storage big basket was regular $29.99 on sale for $11.00!! everyone was like what is wrong with it?? i could not find any problems so it didn't make sense at such a great price!!! i also got this checkerboard tray for only $3.00!
got these awesome twisted candles on sale for $7.00 & two pretty dessert plates for $1.00 each!
these awesome Cali monstera pink/purple 100% melamine stack of plates for i think $5.00?
than me & mom stopped off at starbucks outdoor cafe for coffee, pineapple cream cake & cookies & cream cake pops..

Sunday, 11 August 2024

retro thrift haul..

awesome geo print pillowcase..
magenta purplish pants, stretch clasp purple belt, & leopard print this!!
close-up of skirt & belt & bubblegum necklace..
found the perfect hippie boots with fringe (they remind me of mukluks) & purple vase (color didn't come out as it should)..