Friday, 28 February 2025

happy friday..

Snow is taking a long time to melt but I'm starting to see spring popping up a little..and I want to talk about sustainability now that things are going to get bad..I recommend shopping local at the grocers..I love the salad I got which comes from a farm in Guelph Ontario..the price is great & the quality is amazing!!!!!! Also got other things proudly Canadian made..can't wait for the outdoor markets! And in order to eat healthier, we have been avoiding products that are ultra-processed! products that have a long shelf-life like ice-cream, cookies, deli stuff, hot dogs etc..these are not good for you coz they have ingredients, if its too much & you never heard of most of them, its bad for you..also staying away from sugary stuff like carbonated drinks & switched to sparkling water up on ultra-processed foods..its shocking how much it lowers life expectancy etc..

Wednesday, 26 February 2025


Even cats hibernate in winter..Marley is so cute curled up in a tight ball!

Monday, 24 February 2025

snow daze & matcha..

I hope this is the last snow & spring is on its way! Even in the huge snow piles, we went out in nature but the wind was too strong & frigid cold, so didn't stay long outside..made my own matcha mango latte (you can get matcha powder at the Bulk Bin but I only took small quantity coz its so pricey!)..its delicious! & boosts energy new rings - blue stone (Shiny Company), boho moon (ebay), & daisy (thrifted)..and drinking lots of lime water (lime is good for breaking down kidney stones & also good for the heart!

masala idli cafe..

Ate these last night..authentic South India moist rice cakes with split matpe beans, chick peas, curry leaves & coconut..this wasn't that spicy at all which I really liked! Definitely will buy this again! So delicious!! I love coconut anything.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

solar plexus..

This is located in the center of the abdomen that controls self-expression and confidence, and how you relate to is your strength, and your stamina in life..when I'm doing modern dance, we always do sun salutations which is a great way to balance the 3rd chakra & create vital energy throughout your just makes you feel really good about yourself! 

Thursday, 20 February 2025

when the last tree has fallen..

"when the last tree is cut down, and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money.." tree of life pic source: pinterest

hippie spring closet..

I've already put my spring hippie clothes up..I love how my closet is now colourful & the snow is just piling up a f**** up winter!! It doesn't seem like we will be getting much spring this year..real depressing!! ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ 

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

almost famous bus tour look book..

Outfit: Pennylane-style corduroy jacket (finally found one at Urban Planet on sale..regular price - $80.00 for $10.00!!..woot-woot!!)..rock n roll t-shirt (ebay)..flared jeans (H&M)..1970s sunglasses (Hard Rock Cafe)..I've got tickets to see Stillwater! (I wish!)..
tour bus pic source:pinterest

health break foods..

Got a few healthy snacks..Tasty Snax purple sweet potato & rice chips in sea salt & black pepper (this is plant-based - anything plant-based is good for the hair, gluten-free & oven baked) - very spicy but tastes good! (from Bulk Bin)..Oasis berry pomegrenate elderberry juice (great for the heart) - not too sweet & it tastes good! Harvest Snaps red lentil crunchy loops sour cream & onion - love this one a lot!! not a heavy onion-y taste (from Bulk Bin)..Madmix sorghum millet puffs cream n onion chips - totally my most favorite snack of the bunch!! It's got a hint of curry-like taste which is always a winner! & its packed with whole grains (from Indian grocers)..Soan Cakes - super sweet but tasty (from Indian grocers)..Coconut Burfi - wow this was the best!! Not overly sweet, but super moist & coconut-y with almond bits (from Indian grocers) & Hamam soap (they use this a lot in Morocco - made with olive oil) - have not tried this yet. The mandala sticker is from Thrive Mind Body & Soul.

Monday, 17 February 2025

jungle wild..

1. gerberas (from mom) ๐Ÿฅฐ
2. made earth bracelet & ring ๐ŸŒ
3. jungle wild yourself even in the harshest snowiest conditions ๐ŸŒต
4. self-love at valentine ๐Ÿ’
5. early birthday gift from friend (snake plant) ๐Ÿ
6. nanaimo tart (sooo yummy!!)๐Ÿง

Friday, 14 February 2025

groovy valentine vibes..

Happy Valentine's to all my groovy family and friends!! Love you so much!!❤️❤️๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒน๐Ÿต️

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

butterfly place road trip..

The roads were finally clear of snow & ice & we were able to go on a road trip to the Butterfly Conservatory felt like it was summer inside..what a contrast of was so much fun in the shop! Also did a snow, so much snow has fallen again..its been like that throughout the whole winter..yuck!! I was able to find a patch of grass! And some groovy rocks! I got this big beautiful pink monarch butterfly magnet for my room.

Saturday, 8 February 2025


Throwback to last year when winter was more like spring..