Groovy pressies I got from family & friends..don't want to mention specifically whom I got each from..too much time..just quickly a run-through..thank you so much, especially to my wonderful mommy & fab boyfriend & super cool friends!! Big hugz to you all!!
vintage record storage box, two mirrored beaded hanging decor for my closet, super cool vintage camera photo frame, dragon's eye bracelet, vintage red velvet shoes,
yin-yang wooden box, flower power pillow..HAPPY HOLIDAZE!
I love making Brazilian wedding cookies or I call them Brazilian linzer at Christmas time..they are very easy to make with flour, vanilla, egg, sugar, butter..umm..I only had unsalted margarine & they came out a bit hard/crunchy but still tasty & instead of using dulce de leche, I fill them up with apricot or strawberry jam & then dust them off with icing sugar..sooo good!!!
This tree was inspired by Barnum & Bailey Circus from the film The Greatest Showman (i know this film is from 2017 but it doesn't matter coz i actually saw it in 2018 & it was my fav. film of the year! Oh and I also loved Bohemian Rhapsody, being a huge Queen fan!! Most of the decorations i've had for a long while except the cotton candy machine and balloon doggie, that is new this year..the lion was the best thing i found in Target a while back..i miss Target! I made the tree skirt myself using pompoms and felt to make it resemble a retro circus tent.
These images are from a book on the Rainforest Canopy, Terrains, Biosphere, the animals and vegetation that lives there etc..I decided to psychedelize some photos I took, and I love how they turned out!
Christmas theme this year is CIRCUS WORLD! Decided on doing a X-mas gingerbread clown house & I made Bozo the Clown out of felt n he now lives there. I love how the super sour gum balls remind me of those big balloons that you can sit on & bounce around. Monday had a blast in Burlington & I had a rainforest latte in Ikea..disappointed that you can't get most of the foods that you could before like those green marzipan choccie rolls. Super groovy fun at the candy place inside Fortino's! 2 fav. things I purchased in Ikea..harlequin print pot for only 79 cents & a life-like corkscrew rush plant which is found in ponds. It's north pole cold today & I got stuck at the bus stop for like 45 minutes! Ugh! I was late for class.
This is one of my fav. costume ideas I came up with..Heather Donahue in Blair Witch film. I actually found an abandoned house n went down the basement..soo creepy!!!! The stick figures were made by me n I put them up at a friend's place as a prank..haha..that was fun!
Any haunted experiences? I got this idea from someones instagram..yes, I've had a ghostly encounter at the Drummond Cemetary this one time! I was walking around the tombstones n I felt a strange breeze in the back of my head n heard faint footsteps rushing by me! There was noone around, so it was very very scary!! I woke up one night n saw an actual face in my curtains! Oh n I also felt a cold spot in the middle of the Screaming Tunnel n felt a presence there!
Halloween outfit n pants bright orange anything!! Celebrated me mumsie's birthday..she is super fab in pink hair at the Crowne Plaza..ate at Prime Steakhouse on the 10th floor..I had chicken carbonara n mum had Piri Piri chicken..both foods were delicious!! Mum got a free b-day dessert..yummy sour cherry mousse cake!! Super cool view of the Falls! Everyone was so nice there!! Our waiter was so nice!! Riding around in my clown car..inside a haunted house..SPOOOOKY!! Played games. B-day cupcakes with giant jawbreakers.