Oh this guy was on the floor at the thriftshop..it was strange to find it lying around, and then I saw someone pick it up and place it somewhere else..haha a found art object!
Yesterday went on a trip to Ye Olde Candy Shoppe..and got German sour drops..not liking them, way too sour for me! I've already eaten the white chocolate milky bar..yum!! and the cotton candy pink jelly belly lolly, that was good too, the tiny retro chiclets are okay..they are actually strong mint taste, my fav. of the bunch is raspberry millions chewy candy dots..those are soo freakin' good!!! Watched The Eagles documentary on CNN a few days ago, and loved it a lot!! Very few bands out there that harmonize voices so amazingly together!! I was fortunate to see Glenn Frey live with my dad a few years ago and did get to see Glenn acting on a Miami Vice rerun..i think the episode was Smuggler's Blues?? Awesome guy!! Just yesterday i cranked up Heat Is On in the car with friends..fun!!
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